
作者:Ralph Cheng 鄭宇和




在播放廳的燈光逐漸亮起時,我與Tmesis的夥伴們總結了對這部電影的心得:隨著交易帳戶上的金額越來越龐大,交易員的心理狀態將一步又一步地陷入不穩定的情緒漩渦,決策的品質也將大幅惡化。這樣的結果無法避免,因為這就是「人性」。上述的結論進一步解釋了為何我們要建立一個人工智能(artificial intelligence, A.I.)系統來為我們進行交易。








在人工智能的科技不斷突破下,許多人擔心人類將會開始一點一滴地失去與機器競爭的優勢。但是,智慧(wisdom)是人類仍擁有,也最特別的一項重要資產(至少目前為止我沒聽過artificial wisdom)。



未來十年 AI革命將襲捲全球






Intelligence versus Wisdom

Last weekend, our whole company went to see Team Spirit (French: L’Outsider) together. The movie is based on the true story of a young Paris trader who was involved in one of the biggest financial fraud cases in history. It vividly depicts the different psychological stages and the high-stress working environment traders experience. For this reason, it evoked many of our own painful memories from our time as traders. At the end of the movie, we concluded that as the size of a trading account grows, the trader becomes less emotionally stable—and the quality of the trades he or she makes deteriorates. This is an inevitable result of human nature.

This conclusion reinforces the reasons we build artificial intelligence (AI) systems to trade for us. Intelligence is defined here as the quality of decision-making, and traders usually lose a lot of their intelligence when the effects of emotions kick in. Several factors determine and affect one’s intelligence. These include one’s experiences, knowledge, natural instincts, and psychological state. Accordingly, we attend school to acquire knowledge, gain experience, and, hopefully, leave having enhanced our decision-making abilities.

However, if we conceive of the quality of a trader’s trading decisions as a math function, emotion would definitely be marked with a huge negative sign. Greed, fear, ecstasy, and anger can easily compromise what might originally have been the high intelligence of a person and can quickly make the person unsuitable to make important financial decisions.

Artificial intelligence can perfectly minimize these risks because AI systems are not affected by emotions. Many argue that the machine is still not smart enough to replace humans in the trading room. However, from a risk management perspective, I would argue that even if an AI trader has lower intelligence, less knowledge, and worse instincts than a human trader, and these result in it yielding only trivial returns, it is nevertheless the case that the AI trader is better than a human trader who went to the most prestigious business school in the world but whose intelligence diminished because of the aforementioned factors, leading him or her to gamble and bankrupt his or her whole company.

Amid the ever-increasing presence and advancement of AI technologies, many are worried that humans will lose all the advantages they have over these machines. However, there still remains a remarkable quality that only humans possess—wisdom (I, at least, have not yet heard of artificial wisdom). Wisdom is much more difficult to define than intelligence.

Because it is such a complex concept, I will try my best to first define only the characteristic of wisdom most relevant to the topic of AI: the ability to develop new knowledge and thoughts about uncharted areas. Indeed, scientists and professionals exhibit this very quality as they eagerly develop new technologies to enhance AI performance. AI systems, at least for now, cannot build themselves into higher beings.

Nevertheless, the reality remains that the alarm signaling a new wave of industrial revolution is sounding louder than ever. As Dr. Kai-Fu Lee mentioned in his speech at National Taiwan University’s graduation, people, no matter which industries they are in, must learn to get along with AI in the next ten years. To prepare for these developments, one must become not only smarter but also wiser.

As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, there is much more to the word wisdom. Here, I will provide a more personal definition of it. In my opinion, if wisdom concerns the meaning of life, it must be closely related to love. For example, knowing how to reply to ignorant, unfair, and rude bad-mouthing in life in a forgiving tone is wisdom; knowing how to let the weakest among us feel the warmth is wisdom; and knowing how to transform the vicious world into a more beautiful place is wisdom. These actions all require the ability to love. I think Dr. Kai-Fu Lee will probably agree with me that love is a quality humans will definitely need in the future. Indeed, he shared in one of his interviews that future careers will be about spreading love and experiences.

I did not expect my article to become so philosophical at the end, but I hope you liked it.


【作者簡介】Ralph Cheng 鄭宇和

畢業於西雅圖華盛頓大學 University of Washington – Seattle
Acquisition International 2017 東亞最具創新基金經理人
Acquisition International 2017 年度最佳對沖基金