
作者:Ralph Cheng 鄭宇和













至於高頻交易策略,則是依賴高速送出買賣訊號,希冀藉由小幅價差反覆累積獲利。這是以奈秒 (nanoseconds)計算的超迅速戰爭,涉及層面含括了軟體及硬體。勝負取決於處理器速度、程式語言的選擇、程式的效率、連線速度,甚至連伺服器的所在位置都有顯著影響。最終則演變成為高頻交易公司間的軍備競賽。它的進入門檻極高,並不是每個市場都適合或允許運用此種交易策略。



A Framework for Distinguishing Advanced and Backward Quants in Trading

Since starting my own quant fund last year, I have run into many people who have little idea about quant, let alone how to distinguish more advanced quants from backward ones. Indeed, sometimes not only the public but also financial professionals have a hard time knowing what a quant is—and, even worse, some professionals will pretend that they do know. But all this is entirely understandable, because quant is a very broad term that can often be a source of confusion. For example, it can represent many different trading strategies, pricing formulas, or approaches to risk management, all of which involve complicated math. In this article, I will convey some basic ideas having to do with quant in trading.

At the beginner level, we find many retail traders coding technical analytic entry and exit rules into automated trading strategies. For example, one might program for a financial instrument’s price a short-term moving average crossing above the long-term into an automatically executed buy signal. At this level, an instrument’s price is the sole input datum, and this approach essentially comes down to a question of whether a financial instrument’s future prices can be quantified merely with reference to its past prices. Of course, they cannot; the financial market is much more complex than such an approach would imply. However, this approach is still, to some extent, a useful tool for helping traders reduce risk and enhance their work efficiency—if used properly.

At the medium level, things get a little bit more complex. Here people start begin building trading strategies that rely on more than one factor. For example, one might base a U.S. equity trading strategy on all kinds of U.S. economic data as well as on companies’ financial report data. Certainly, doing so would require a certain degree of knowledge about finance and economics. However, at this level, with enough research and study, a trader can identify strategies that produce profits over time. Even so, at this stage, the stability of a strategy’s return still cannot be guaranteed, for events and price movements not included in the model can create huge drawdowns.

In the professional arena, we move from linear to higher dimensions. Here professional quants use strategies that rely on artificial intelligence and high-frequency trading. Current applications for machine learning in the field of artificial intelligence allow traders to deal with “big data” that contains patterns and logical sequences not yet noticed by humans.

Just like the term quant, the term big data is often misused by the public, which has little understanding of what big data really is. Generally speaking, big data is data that cannot be processed using traditional statistic methods. After unlocking big data, traders might not have included all factors and logic needed to avoid all drawdown, but the resulting model does have decided advantages over its predecessors. However, building an AI strategy requires high-level skills in computer science, statistics, math, and finance.

High-frequency trading, by contrast, is a strategy that relies on sending buy and sell signals at extremely high speeds in hopes of profiting from small spreads. This war is fought in nanoseconds and involves not only software but also hardware. Its battles are won by processor speed, choice of programming language, efficiency of code, connection speed, and even server location. At its apex, it becomes an arms race between companies that specialize in high-frequency trading. The barrier to entry is extremely high—and not every market is even allowed or suitable for such a trading strategy.

Even these explanations only scratch the surface of what remains to be learned in this sphere. I have noted that quant is a very broad word, and this article, though touching on aspects of its meaning, has restricted itself to the field of trading. However, even these basic conceptions of the role of quant in trading will allow the reader to get some idea of the skill of his or her quant friends by asking informed questions about how they build their strategies.


物理學家走入華爾街 擦出什麼火花?

【作者簡介】Ralph Cheng 鄭宇和

畢業於西雅圖華盛頓大學 University of Washington – Seattle
Acquisition International 2017 東亞最具創新基金經理人
Acquisition International 2017 年度最佳對沖基金